Grand Canyon: Lookout Studio

The Lookout Studio, or just The Lookout, is positioned along the rim of the Grand Canyon’s South Rim.  This building is a division of the Grand Canyon’s Village Historic District.  The structure of the studio is built with stones and has an uneven façade to incubus the chimneys.  The lookout has three different floors for viewing the canyon.  The main level has a shop, enclosed and open viewing areas.  Throughout the years, the wood roof experienced several repairs.  The Lookout Studio was built in 1914 and part of the Mary Jane Colter Building National Historic Landmark.  The building displays her mark of design with jagged local rocks to emulate the canyons walls and look like part of the setting.


  1. Wow! What great views. I love that second to last photo!

  2. The Grand Canyon is gorgeous no matter where you see it from.


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