26 Bar Ranch (John Wayne Ranch)

Immersed in the Hereford’s history in Eagar, AZ, sits the 26 Bar Ranch.  It was first known as the Milky Way Ranch in the 1940’s with its big white show barn which housed many Hereford cattle.  The barn is now a local landmark.  In 1964 the ranch became the 26 Bar Ranch or John Wayne’s Ranch, who was one of the owners.  Wayne, along with Ken Reafsnyder and Louis Johnson, his business partners, kept the ranch until John Wayne’s death in 1979 from lung and stomach cancer. 

Lately, I have heard rumors that Bigfoot has been seen near the ranch.  I don’t know if that is true or not, but it would be worth checking out.

John Wayne and Louis Johnson


  1. What a neat place. Wayne is still such a favorite.

  2. I have some cool photos of my brother at the ranch in 1976. He and a friend had to deliver something to him from the friend's father's business. They drove across country in a Bicentennial Pinto and when they arrived, John was so friendly, he had them come in and watch a game and drink some beers.

  3. You are correct Lois. My husband and I still love watching his movies.

    Sis, you should post them. I loved hearing about his visit. Your brother was so lucky to meet "the Duke". I am surprised that pinto made it across country.

  4. John Wayne AND Bigfoot? What an excellent locale!!

  5. Haha Beer, a giant of a man facing off with the big harry beast. I wonder if John Wayne ever saw Bigfoot? Hum?

  6. I LOVE the photo in the header up there. I like Wayne's westerns, especially the John Ford ones.

    I think my favorite is 'The Searchers,' for no other reason than all of the panoramas of Monument Valley...

    Merry Christmas!


  7. The only greats actor ever lived . None will top his legend as a man ,a actor ,or Icon as he was. I have been John Wayne fan for more than 55 years and I have a whole family room of him in his memory. From movies to pictures .I meet his wife once in Ohio at a film festival Beautiful and lovely lady never will forget it. He s the legend , The Duke ,Happy trails John Wayne. Love to you all and god bless. Happy Easter April 20 ,2014

  8. I read article about actor John Wayne owning the MARS ranch. Inever knew where that man lived, althouhg i knwe he had to live somewhere, since he had all of that money. I once saw him on a yacht once going on a vaction or something with his wife. I read just a little while ago that they even thought they even spotted big foot on mr. wayne property. You know maybe mr. wayne didn't ever die. Maybe he faked his death like they are saying about the king of rock and roll ELVIS PRESLEY.Or maybe it's this this other big guy by the name of CLINT WALKER. Ypu know he is so big that he could pass for big foot too. Don't yall agree verybody out there in tv land.Yours truly interested fan.

  9. Any information on John Wayne Days in June 2015?

  10. Thanks for sharing it. The information is really be a grateful opportunity to know about a legend person.

    Southeast Arizona Ranches for sale

  11. I enjoyed this site very much. Beautiful. I also enjoyed the video, Duke was a hero to many.
    I regret the postings about bigfoot and faking his death. Stupid people.

  12. searching for photo of the legend himself and my mother named Georgina ( who worked on his race horse ranch somewhere around) Phoenix, AZ and myself as a young boy. the Duke was holding me on one of his horses with my mother standing next to him, I had the photo in my possession for a period of time, my mother is still alive and can verify the photos existence. as I remember the Duke was wearing a ball cap and held me up there on one of his ponies and mom stood next to him and we were all smiling at camera!


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