Tombstone City Hall

The building was constructed in 1882 and is still in use today.  The façade was a Victorian style but tailored to fit the Western Territorial look.  Designed by Frank Walker, this fire red brick building was used by Mayors, Marshals and used as the Tombstone city offices.  The building was the home of fire department’s Rescue Hose Company #2 and placed on the National Register of Historic places in 1972.


  1. I loved that building!!! It felt like we had just jumped back in time. The feeling it exuded was soooo old west!

  2. I would love to turn it into my own personal living space. Buildings like this are awesome.

  3. What a really,really nifty building!

  4. A piece of history, great building.

  5. They have kept that building in wonderful condition.


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